Exchange Program

MBA Program EMBA Program

As the globalization of business accelerates, management skills in a multinational setting are increasingly important. To provide Master's program students with valuable experience in an international setting, we established the International Program in 1988.

This Program is a credit exchange system with partner institutions. Every year, we accept exchange students during the Fall term (September through December) and Winter term (January through March) when we provide some courses in English. Also, outgoing students are regularly sent to partner schools during the Fall term.

Program Features

Partner Schools

With a partner school in around the world, the Keio Business School (KBS) International Program provides ample opportunities for studying abroad. The partner school locations cover a wide geographical area from Asia to Europe and North America, enabling students to choose a destination that best fits their future career plans.

Opportunity for Short-Term Exchange

The term of International Exchange Program is about three to four months, so the program is also suitable for students who do not have extensive previous experience studying abroad.

English Language Support before Exchange Studies

All new students are required to take an English language exam upon enrollment in the Master's program. The aim is to make students aware of their English abilities at the earliest possible stage, thus both acquainting them to existing exchange study options and helping them create an efficient study plan for language skill improvement. As a result of the supportive measures, students who are not confident in their linguistic abilities will nevertheless be able to reach a level of English that makes exchange studies abroad possible. Also, students who are looking to study abroad can widen their spectrum of partner schools to apply to. In the first year, KBS offers class on Business Communication in English and several classes conducted in English that are open to both domestic students and foreign exchange students in the second and third term, making it possible to acquire the language skills necessary for the exchange program while in Japan.

Benefits for Students Staying in Japan

In the second (Sep-Dec) and third (Jan-Mar) terms, KBS accepts exchange students from the partner schools to study in Japan. KBS students who decide to stay in Japan may attend courses taught in English together with exchange students. As a result, students can exchange ideas and interact with exchange students while staying in Japan.


Applicants must be enrolled as regular degree-seeking students in their second year at KBS.

1. Average grade in the core courses higher than a specified minimum by the end of the second term of the first year

2. Sufficient language skills and motivation to engage in studies at a partner school

※TOEFL iBT score above a certain level is required.
※Certain partner schools may have their own requirements.

3. Expected successful completion of studies at KBS, etc.

※The requirements are subject to change. Precise information will be provided after the enrollment.

Credits Earned at Partner School

Some credits earned at partner school may be transferred to KBS under certain conditions.


While on exchange, students are exempted from registration fees and tuition fees at host institutions, but they are responsible for travel, living, textbooks, insurance expenses, and other incidentals.

Partner Schools

※Partner schools are subject to change.
※Some of the partner schools do not accept EMBA program students. In the list of partner schools below, the partner schools marked with "IP*" are those that accept KBS EMBA program students in principle.





(grouped by region, in alphabetical order)

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